My goal is to give you the information necessary to make wise and informed decisions on the future of your energy needs.
Not only will it be easy to understand in a compartmentalized fashion from the viewpoint of a designer and installer: residential on and off-grid, small and medium-sized commercial, battery systems, smart battery systems, DC optimizers versus microinverters, panel quality and performance, ruggedized solar PV, and a myriad of other general topics. Including but not limited to the history of solar solutions, its evolution and the bright future ahead. (ha-ha, bright, get it?)
Before I delve into the morass of information ahead, I would like to share the impetus of my desire to try and make a difference the best I can to protect the environment, our health, and to sideline the massive monopolies that currently control a majority of the energy in the United States.
Believe it or not at the age of 16 while confined to the house under doctors’ orders after a severe accident. I had the chance to stop by the library after the doctor for some reading material. I sorted quickly through the box of books for sale. In the box, there was a book called “Critical Path” by Buckminster Fuller. This book would lay the foundation of my thoughts on our planet and its ecosystems going forward, not radicalization, but the clarity of the “Critical Path” we are barreling headlong down.
This book would lay the foundation of my thoughts on our planet and its ecosystems going forward, not radicalization, but the clarity of the “Critical Path” we are barreling headlong down.
As a sideline, Buckminster Fuller was so far ahead of his time that a lot of his ideas are still coalescing.
Within this tome of a book, a very simple understanding of how to view the energy available to the denizens of planet earth, there are three types of energy available:
Savings – Nuclear – Current finite resource, by using it we destroy the very fabric of the universe.1
Checking – Fossil fuels – Current finite resources.1
Income – Solar, tidal, wind, and geothermal – Unlimited and forever available.1
Do you get it?
Humans have made it to a point where we do not need to destroy and burn. We can live happy, unrestricted, productive lives without concern for cost and damage to the environment and health. No longer restricted for mega-buck projects for space exploration or remote installations.
What was once a utopian dream is now reality. There is no longer the need to feel the yoke of a utility monopoly. This idealistic society of the future is on our doorstep. So, lets open the door together and see what mother earth has to offer.
This is the 21st century, our thirst for energy should not make us starve.
Jamie Burns MSE
- 9780312174910 – CRITICAL PATH BY R. BUCKMINSTER FULLER – ISBN 10: 0312174918