Solar Companies San Diego

/Solar Companies San Diego

Solar Companies San Diego

Aviara Solar is your all-in-one family owned and operated residential solar service provider for San Diego, CA. We can help you design, finance and install a quality solar electric system that will exceed your needs and expectations. Our commitment to quality manufactured products and customer service will ensure the reliability of your investment in solar power. We offer financing through multiple sources to fit your individual need. We provide a FREE solar consultation to determine which systems, rebates and offers will be best for your home.

Aviara Solar Contractors offers a free solar consultation so everyone should take advantage of it! A free solar consult starts by analyzing your recent utility bills to determine how much electricity you consume annually. We then factor in specific issues that are unique to your home such as available roof area, orientation and shading from trees or other buildings. After that we are able to show you the investment required to produce as much as 100%, or even as little as 10%, of your electrical power needs.

Whether you already know that solar is right for you or if you are new to solar, we want to thank you for considering to Go Solar with Aviara Solar.

For those of you who did not think solar was right for you based on previous experiences, we appreciate your reconsidering Going Solar with Aviara Solar.

By Going Solar, you are choosing to install solar panels, shingles, or tiles, either on your roof or on the ground, that will convert radiant energy from the sun into electricity that you can readily use or store for later use, offsetting the energy that you would have used from your electric utility company. Take advantage of the San Diego Solar Program!

Why Solar? – The Greenie Answer Give the Planet A Hug


This blog will take you on a trip through the solar universe; we will be covering everything from the simple Solar PV (Photovoltaic) panel, smart battery backup systems (Peak shaving, load balancing, self-consuming), when it is the right time, new emerging technologies, domestic and foreign policies. There is a cornucopia of information that I will attempt with mellifluence backed by facts and the scientific process.

How does solar fit into your life, today, tomorrow and for a lifetime?

Producing energy is generally a nasty business; it has, does and will continue to damage the environment at ever increasing levels. Multiple pollutants – toxic waste, carbon emissions, nuclear byproducts, and so many others it would be an arduous list to create. All resulting in ever-increasing health problems from our pollution.

Yet, every day our big blue marble is showered with precious solar rays 35,000 times the average daily consumption of all energy planet-wide. Accessing just a fraction of this resource will result in phenomenal positive changes to our planet and the daily life of every human.

With limited reserves, many energy sources are being depleted. Mankind is in a jeopardize state.

We all have seen embargos, tariffs, juntas, riots and destruction over the need for energy, either it be oil, natural gas, shale, fracking, so on and so forth. Resulting in never-ending price increases with no end in sight.

If one were to make a pro and cons list for solar, it would be heavily lopsided in the favor of solar.

It may not be the time to go off grid and live in a cabin – those drastic thoughts should be shelved. As we get on the same page, you can play an important role, simple but important – protect and save the environment, become energy independent, and further strengthen our country from within. Believe it or not, this is the greatest part; you will save thousands of dollars over your lifetime. Money that can be devoted to more important life choices, such as children’s education, viable retirement plan, again a lengthy list to assemble, but it is one of the more enjoyable lists to build. Planning with your own personal treasure from the sun, now that sounds fun!

Let the fun begin!

Jamie Burns MSE

Why Solar? – The Greenie Answer Give the Planet A Hug2019-07-23T23:38:33+00:00

My Purpose and Approach-A Solar Engineers Perspective (With a Bit of History)


My goal is to give you the information necessary to make wise and informed decisions on the future of your energy needs.

Not only will it be easy to understand in a compartmentalized fashion from the viewpoint of a designer and installer: residential on and off-grid, small and medium-sized commercial, battery systems, smart battery systems, DC optimizers versus microinverters, panel quality and performance, ruggedized solar PV, and a myriad of other general topics.  Including but not limited to the history of solar solutions, its evolution and the bright future ahead. (ha-ha, bright, get it?)

Before I delve into the morass of information ahead, I would like to share the impetus of my desire to try and make a difference the best I can to protect the environment, our health, and to sideline the massive monopolies that currently control a majority of the energy in the United States.

Believe it or not at the age of 16 while confined to the house under doctors’ orders after a severe accident. I had the chance to stop by the library after the doctor for some reading material. I sorted quickly through the box of books for sale. In the box, there was a book called “Critical Path” by Buckminster Fuller. This book would lay the foundation of my thoughts on our planet and its ecosystems going forward, not radicalization, but the clarity of the “Critical Path” we are barreling headlong down.

This book would lay the foundation of my thoughts on our planet and its ecosystems going forward, not radicalization, but the clarity of the “Critical Path” we are barreling headlong down.

As a sideline, Buckminster Fuller was so far ahead of his time that a lot of his ideas are still coalescing.

Within this tome of a book, a very simple understanding of how to view the energy available to the denizens of planet earth, there are three types of energy available:

Savings – Nuclear – Current finite resource, by using it we destroy the very fabric of the universe.1

Checking – Fossil fuels – Current finite resources.1

Income – Solar, tidal, wind, and geothermal – Unlimited and forever available.1

Do you get it?

Humans have made it to a point where we do not need to destroy and burn. We can live happy, unrestricted, productive lives without concern for cost and damage to the environment and health. No longer restricted for mega-buck projects for space exploration or remote installations.

What was once a utopian dream is now reality. There is no longer the need to feel the yoke of a utility monopoly. This idealistic society of the future is on our doorstep. So, lets open the door together and see what mother earth has to offer.

This is the 21st century, our thirst for energy should not make us starve.

Jamie Burns MSE

  1. 9780312174910 – CRITICAL PATH BY R. BUCKMINSTER FULLER – ISBN 10: 0312174918
My Purpose and Approach-A Solar Engineers Perspective (With a Bit of History)2019-07-23T23:39:29+00:00

Some advantages of going solar in San Diego.


Sоlаr еnеrgу iѕ оnе оf thе аltеrnаtivе rеѕоurсеѕ of еnеrgу thаt hаѕ been utilized by humans ѕinсе thе аnсiеnt times.

As a renewable еnеrgу, it оffеrѕ рlеntу of advantages. It is Eсо-friеndlу, easily аttаinаblе, аnd lеѕѕ expensive thаn thе fоѕѕil-bаѕеd еnеrgу rеѕоurсеѕ thаt аrе соmmоnlу used. While it iѕ nоt an еntirеlу new соnсерt, solar energy provides a new hоре for оur dуing рlаnеt.

With the cost of electricity соntinuing tо riѕе, mаnу реорlе аrе beginning to take a ѕеriоuѕ lооk at аltеrnаtivеѕ tо thе еnеrgу thаt thеу use in their homes.

Sеlесting ѕоlаr panels fоr уоur hоmе is a tаѕk thаt will require ѕоmе rеѕеаrсh аnd timе, but will bе wоrth thе еffоrt whеn thе jоb is соmрlеtеd аnd уоu hаvе your ѕоlаr раnеlѕ inѕtаllеd. Many реорlе whо hаvе solar раnеlѕ installed аrе аlrеаdу еnjоуing a hugе improvement in their household budget by saving a lоt on electricity. Apart frоm thе finаnсiаl hеlр, solar energy also givеѕ you peace of mind. In other wоrdѕ, уоu аrе hеlрing thе еnvirоnmеnt stay сlеаnеr аnd more hаbitable.

Bу installing ѕоlаr panels in уоur home, you саn help avoid human illnesses thаt аrе саuѕеd bу hаrmful аgеntѕ emitted by fоssil fuels. Yоu can uѕе thе ѕun’s еnеrgу bу trаnѕfоrming it intо electricity fоr hоuѕеhоld аррliаnсеѕ and your other needs.

Thеrе are mаnу components invоlvеd in setting uр your system. Sоmе оf the соmроnеntѕ уоu will nееd bеѕidеѕ thе ѕоlаr energy system, are things уоu will nееd tо take intо соnѕidеrаtiоn fоr уоur Solar раnеl installations ѕuсh аѕ ѕоlаr аttiс fаnѕ. These are simple to ѕеt uр аnd саn have a hugе еffесt in kеерing уоur home cool in the ѕummеr. Hаving these tуре of fans iѕ аlѕо vеrу gооd for your аttiс and rооf аnd mау even еxtеnd thе life of your roof bу many years.

When уоu decide to install a  solar system, as you are wеll aware оf thе benefits, one ѕtumbling block could be thе соѕt of the system. Always keep in mind the return on your investment.

Fоr thе bеѕt quоtе on a quality and efficient solar energy system with least upfront costs you can contact Aviara Solar for a no obligation quote.

Some advantages of going solar in San Diego.2019-07-23T23:42:25+00:00