Best Solar Company San Diego

//Best Solar Company San Diego

Aviara Solar is the Best Solar Company San Diego

Aviara Solar is your all-in-one family owned and operated residential solar service provider for San Diego, California. We can help you design, finance and install a quality solar electric system that will exceed your needs and expectations. Our commitment to quality manufactured products and customer service will ensure the reliability of your investment in solar power. We offer financing through multiple sources to fit your individual need. We provide a FREE solar consultation to determine which systems, rebates and offers will be best for your home.

Aviara Solar Contractors offers a free solar consultation so everyone should take advantage of it! A free solar consult starts by analyzing your recent utility bills to determine how much electricity you consume annually. We then factor in specific issues that are unique to your home such as available roof area, orientation and shading from trees or other buildings. After that we are able to show you the investment required to produce as much as 100%, or even as little as 10%, of your electrical power needs.

Whether you already know that solar is right for you or if you are new to solar, we want to thank you for considering to Go Solar with Aviara Solar.

For those of you who did not think solar was right for you based on previous experiences, we appreciate your reconsidering Going Solar with Aviara Solar.

By Going Solar, you are choosing to install solar panels, shingles, or tiles, either on your roof or on the ground, that will convert radiant energy from the sun into electricity that you can readily use or store for later use, offsetting the energy that you would have used from your electric utility company.

How tо Find thе Pеrfесt Solar Panel Installer


If уоu are rеаding thiѕ аrtiсlе you аrе еithеr соnѕidеring having a nеw solar system installed оr аrе аbоut tо bеgin thе process оf finding a trustworthy installer. I undеrѕtаnd thе process can be daunting аnd ѕо dесidеd tо writе thiѕ short article outlining уоur роѕѕibilitiеѕ whеn trуing tо find thаt perfect installer.

I bеliеvе уоu have 3 main орtiоnѕ when ѕеаrсhing for a solar panel installer in San Diego. Thеу аrе аѕ follows:

Oрtiоn one – Thе Sосiаl орtiоn

You mау ask friends, family mеmbеrѕ or еvеn your nеighbоurѕ whо hаvе hаd solar installations if thеу соuld rесоmmеnd a solar panel installer thеу may hаvе uѕеd. Bу doing ѕо, уоu саn ask аѕ many questions аѕ уоu wаnt аbоut thе installers, the installation аnd thеir оvеrаll еxреriеnсе with thаt раrtiсulаr installer.

However, if уоu don’t knоw оf аnуоnе who has had a solar panel installation, оr thе реорlе уоu dо knоw can’t rесоmmеnd thе installer they used, thеn I hаvе two mоrе орtiоnѕ fоr уоu tо сhооѕе frоm.

Option two – The Eаѕу Option

Thе next viable option iѕ one thаt iѕ the mоѕt соmmоn оf thеm all.  Jumр оn tо a соmрutеr аnd tуре in solar panel installers in San Diego. Search еnginеѕ will bring bасk results rеlаting tо уоur query and you now have hundreds of rеѕultѕ аt уоur fingеr tiрѕ. Amоng thе results there will mоѕt likеlу be buѕinеѕѕ directory liѕtingѕ full of solar installers in San Diego.

From thеѕе liѕtingѕ уоu will find аll the infоrmаtiоn you nееd аbоut thе installer аnd роѕѕiblу a fееdbасk system where you саn read аnу rеviеwѕ thаt people may hаvе mаdе аbоut thаt particular installer.

Oрtiоn Three – Whу not let others dо thе wоrk for you?

Sо your friеndѕ and family саn’t rесоmmеnd a trustworthy installer аnd уоu dоn’t have thе timе tо trаwl through thоuѕаndѕ of rеѕultѕ thаt рорulаr search engines present you with. Sо whаt’ѕ next?

Cоmраriѕоn ѕitеѕ, уоu саn now use comparison ѕitеѕ that will simply find the installers fоr уоu! Yоu dоn’t have tо do аnуthing оthеr thаn рrоvidе the соmраnу with ѕimрlе dеtаilѕ such аѕ your nаmе аnd whаt kind of installation уоu require. Aftеr thе company rесеivеѕ уоur dеtаilѕ, thеу саn ѕimрlу lооk uр thеir dаtаbаѕе and find thе perfect installer tо mаtсh уоur personal рrеfеrеnсеѕ.

By uѕing thеѕе types of websites, you саn bе сеrtаin thаt the installers аrе fullу ассrеditеd аnd have gone thrоugh a ѕtriсt рrосеѕѕ to bе listed in that соmраnу’ѕ dаtаbаѕе. These tуреѕ of соmраriѕоn sites are еаѕу to find and аrе FREE, please еnѕurе уоu dоn’t рау аnу fееѕ as the most рорulаr соmраriѕоn ѕitеѕ аrе frее.

Nоw уоu hаvе a liѕt оf installers, what dо you do? Whаt dо you lооk for?

After finding a liѕt of installers from the Intеrnеt оr friеndѕ аnd fаmilу, I ѕtrоnglу suggest you do a bit of rеѕеаrсh on еасh соmраnу. Tаkе a lооk at thеir wеbѕitе view any tеѕtimоniаlѕ аnd images of rесеnt wоrk thаt thеу mау оffеr. Aftеr rеfining уоur liѕt further уоu should соntасt the rеmаining inѕtаllеrѕ аnd ask for a рrороѕаl frоm each оnе. The рrороѕаl will соntаin information, advice аnd рriсing on thе ѕуѕtеm thаt will ѕuit уоu аnd your рrореrtу thе best. Hореfullу thiѕ article will hеlр уоu find a trustworthy installer to carry оut your ѕоlаr panel inѕtаllаtiоn in San Diego.

How tо Find thе Pеrfесt Solar Panel Installer2019-06-19T22:54:44+00:00

Convert To Solar – Power and Clean the World


The population is increasing and with it, the demand for energy is rising, if we do not find answers to these very pertinent questions very soon, we could be facing disaster around the corner. We are dabbling in nuclear energy and fortunately for us, we have not had to face with Chernobyl or Fujiyama like disasters, but can we be complacent? Would we too have to face such a predicament sometime in the future? We would not know when and where disaster would strike, which is definitely on everyone’s minds.

Fulfilling responsibilities    

The Federal and State governments have to build and maintain the required infrastructure and provide the necessary amenities to sustain the growing population. One of the most demanding requirements is the uninterrupted and efficient supply of electricity, which the authorities strive to achieve. Hence, people are encouraged to go ahead with solar panel installations. With the solar panel efficiency, the cost of installation can be paid off within a short period of time.

With the ever-increasing demand, the supply of electricity is being stretched to its maximum limits and if no alternative energy sources are found, the bubble is sure to burst. We have always relied on our vast resources of fossil fuels to produce our electricity, but how long would it sustain us? It is imperative and substantiated by geologists too, that the world would exhaust its fossil fuel reserves in a few hundred years. Solar panels and solar batteries come into play in such a situation.

We have dug deep into the ground, when we could look up at the Sun and obtain all our energy needs from the abundance of solar energy bestowed on us, day in and day out. It is free and we need to find the most economical system to harness it and use it for our optimum needs.

Technology has been developed over the last few years, where we could make a substantial contribution to the energy needs of our country by procuring residential solar panels.

If each one of us could make our contribution to the country’s energy needs, the authorities would be able to relax on the nuclear pedal. It would be an immense contribution, which would leave our future generations not having to clean up our carbon footprints.

Solar energy is the alternative

The extraction and use of fossil fuels are harmful to the environment, even if some experts may say otherwise. The carbon emissions from oil, coal and gas have contributed over the years to the present ozone layer destruction. If we do not find an alternative source of energy, our generation would be leaving a huge “carbon footprint” that our children will never be able to erase. Due to the available initiatives, such as solar tax credit, you will find it as an easy task to go for it and get solar panels for your home. You will also be able to get DIY solar panels installed on your own.

The alternative is as simple as “Looking up”, which we have not been doing for millennia. The Sun is the answer to all our energy woes. It has sustained life on Earth since the birth of our Universe, and will, without any doubt do so until eternity. The Sun’s energy is available to all humankind, wherever we may live, day in and day out. The rising and setting of the Sun are taken for granted by all of us, and it is the only occurrence we are sure of in each day we live on this blessed Earth.

There are many leading companies with innovative solar technology to harness this freely available nature’s gift to us and to bring it to your homes and businesses. There are plenty of hours of sunshine daily on the face of our Earth to collect our required solar power. You could obtain technical expertise from solar contractors, to assess your individual energy needs, to install the system perfectly and provide the required service with watertight warranties to give you carefree solar power for many years into the future.

Convert To Solar – Power and Clean the World2019-05-23T18:23:33+00:00

Solar Batteries Installations San Diego


Solar Storage Batteries become part of the Energy Efficiency Incentives Funding in the State of Massachusetts: Reducing the Cost of Energy Storage and Setting Precedent Nationwide.

The State will use energy efficiency funds to enable battery storage, reducing cost during peak demand.

Massachusetts becomes the first state to implement the policy in the U.S and other states should follow, according to a new report published by Clean Energy Group (CEG).

Read Document

  •  The state integrates energy storage as an active demand reduction measure in its energy efficiency-funding program, and it advises on what easy steps other states can take to do the same.

On January 2019, the state’s action was supported with an original economic analysis prepared by CEG.

 “Energy Storage: The New Efficiency ― Ways States Can Use Efficiency Funds to Promote Battery Storage and Flatten Costly Demand Peaks” An Executive Summary describing its findings and advise from the report are also available at the prior link.

Aviara Solar can help you step-by-step with a Solar Storage Battery Solution for your home in San Diego at discount prices.

The report shows all the steps Massachusetts took to become the first state to include energy storage technologies into its energy efficiency plan.

1. Expands the goals and definition of energy efficiency to include peak demand reduction.

2. Shows that customer-sited battery storage can pass the required cost-effectiveness test.

It also determined that battery storage would have been found to be even more cost-effective had the non-energy benefits of batteries been included in the calculations.

The report also includes three original economics white papers developed by Applied Economics Clinic (AEC) under contract to CEG. The white papers explain how battery storage meets the cost/benefit tests that most states use to fund energy efficiency technologies and also defines non-energy benefits for storage, such as resiliency, reduced impacts from power outages, increased property values, job creation, and reduced land use, and for the first time assigns a monetary value to those benefits.

If other states were to adopt these policies, enabling battery storage to become part of their energy efficiency funding, it could significantly reduce the up-front capital costs of storage and greatly reduce the cost during peak demand.

“As more renewable energy is deployed, reducing peak demand becomes more important. Battery storage can do this, while traditional efficiency measures can’t. States need to expand their efficiency plans to embrace peak demand reduction and the new technologies, like battery storage, that can accomplish it.”

Todd Olinsky-Paul, a project director CEG

Said report author Todd Olinsky-Paul, a project director with Clean Energy Group.

“Energy efficiency programs always have included new energy technologies,”

Lewis Milford, president of CEG

said Lewis Milford, president of CEG who has been working on energy programs for thirty years.

“Storage is now a technology that deserves early stage funding support, a trend that other states should follow to bring down their energy costs and bring more customers into this emerging storage market.”

Lewis Milford, president of CEG
Aviara Solar offers the best Solar Storage Battery Solutions in Southern California at discount prices.

Other states and policy makers, who are interested in expanding energy efficiency to include the benefits of behind-the-meter energy storage, should look into the insights the report provides. Most states have energy efficiency programs, a whole investment of nearly $9 billion annually. Enabling energy storage to qualify as an efficiency measure would allow the technology greater access to incentives.

Solar Batteries Installations San Diego2019-05-23T18:13:44+00:00
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